A reaction role in the intel server (or an enforced role) for the holders of the role to get pinged every contact blacklist and to say the discord username after their Roblox username in the "Their Username:" Part

It is hard to keep up with looking for and blocking CBLs without their discord username and people with alot of DMs would struggle even more and they have to do this otherwise they are blacklisted so I want to make this easier by requesting a role that pings every CBL that happens and for the writer of the log to include the discord username
Your Username: (The blacklister’s username)
Your Rank: (The blacklister’s rank)
Their Username:(CBLed user’s Roblox Username) (CBLed user’s discord username)
Their rank: (The blacklisted person’s rank)
Reason: (The reason)
Proof: (The proof)
Contact blacklist @CBLping
If they are making a normal blacklist into a contact blacklist then this will be the example:
(The CBLed person’s roblox username)/( The CBLed person’s discord user name)'s blacklist has been made into a contact blacklist. @CBLping
Another example to adding to a BL:
Contact blacklist: Leaking classified information @CBLping
Thank you.

  • AliAlakaishi
  • CP

Literally useless, already is in BL-Logs as somewhat requirement: every Contact BL is marked as CBL, you just use Search box, that’s all :3

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i agree with u


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You do NOT understand if you are saying my solution is useless, here is why.

  • I am not asking them to mark CBL, because CBLs are already marked.

  • I am asking for them to add the Discord username to the log to make the CBLed user way easier to find in contacts and most of the times without the discord username I am unable to track down the CBLed user in my contacts so I will have to use more broad methods of blocking and closing contacts with people
    that used to be in the SV server but now arent.

  • I am also asking for them to add a role called “@CBLping” or something like it and for them to use it in every CBL log posted so I can keep up and block CBLed users without worrying and checking BL logs every day which is tiring me.

Reading this may be alot to people like you and cause people like you to comment instantly saying “UsELeSs” when infact the idea might be good and you didn’t understand it because you didn’t read it.

  • AliAlakaishi
  • CP

If this were to be added it would not be good, bc people could DM you and do bad thinks cus there is no modding in DC DMs

People could already do bad things in DMs without the feature…
Also my feature isn’t aimed to fix that.

Yea, but puting the DC user name is kinda aiming people to do that…

You can DM anyone is DC…


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The block button exists… plus they need to be friends with the CBLed user to DM them.

no u dont… U can dm anyone on DC

Plus they need to be in the same server as you which they most likely aren’t due to getting CBLed.

I did not know u could do dat

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Yay u got regular




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Already? I guess tryhards run in the family



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