Basic Admin Question

Hello, I have a question regarding the Basic Admin Gamepass. So, if someone wants to be seated with the sit command, am I allowed to sit them? Or would that count as AA (Admin Abuse)? Because sometimes people ask me to use the sit command on them. That is all.
-Roblox_Superfan9977, Warden

You cant, the gamepass only allows you to use commands on yourself

Oh, ok. Thanks for letting me know.

I have heard that you can also do the commands on other people that have the basic admin gamepass

No, you cant do that

Why do you do “gimmiemorecharacters”

Cuz u cant post a reply if its under 30 characters

@Polygon That’s only something like view command

Aw hell naw, a 9 month revive, please don’t revive dead posts!

Ahhh ■■■■, why did you have for revive a 9 month dead post

You can only few other players

Sorry, didn’t see when it was from :joy: