One question:What I need to do as a helper in Training?

I am currently SI ,but wanna get CP.I know that I need to help in Trainings ,but I don’t know what I need to do exactly.

First off are you verified in both the Communications and intel discord servers?

Yes of curse

When you are in a training the host will likely say “if you want to help move forward” just to that and then you will have to ping them in both servers and I believe they will give you a guide or some thing like that

Ok thank u!

They will not really give you anything.

Ok,so what

Do I need to mark persons on the dc?

You mainly have to do the scenarios phase.

  • Ask people to come up
  • Ask if they’re ready
  • roleplay a scenario that fits the training purposes
  • see how the attendee is reacting and evaluate whether their reaction is complying with our rules, procedures and standards
  • Ask when they are done
  • put everyone who reacted well in your !notepad
  • After all are done, mark everyone in your notepad on BC under “scenarios”

i didnt know ive never done it

How I get to BC?