Question of the Week 22-26 [sunday Updated]

I am bored so I am going to do this

Question for Wednesday: When did you join Stateview.
@Zackcooler congrats for getting it first
Question for Thursday: What is your favorite Game
Congratulations for @ReesPiece789 for getting it first
Question for Friday: What is your favorite Color?
Congratulations for @Esb678 for getting it first

Question for Saturday: What is your rank?
Cgs to @ReesPiece789 for getting it first

Question for Sunday: What is your favorite game outside of roblox

Congratulations to @ReesPiece789 for getting it first

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Q1: November 14, 2021

Q1: November 2021

Q1 : idk like february-march 2021? lemme check yh around february

Around june 2021

20/12/23, in retrospect not so long but it seems like for ever since i was a stinky lil abusing cadet.

Q1: November 2023

welp… we caught you…

:frowning: oh no
plesae no ban mister staetview

Ty. Finally someone is reviving question week. (Trust me that you’ll get to a point you can’t continue)


Q2: Roblox…

rOBlOx iSnT a gAMe iTS A pLATfOrM aND AN EnGine


Erm they are actually “ experiences” :nerd_face: :point_up:

That’s not what this was about

Friday: red

QT roblox
QF green

trust me one day youll end up getting bored of doing this lol

If you where tired of doing it then why did you to this?

Cuz that was the time i was doing bruh

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Q4: PI i have been inactive though…