Rank limits set a numerical restriction on specific ranks. For instance, if the rank of Chairman of the Board has a rank limit of 2, it implies that the promotion to this rank is only possible when there are fewer than 2 individuals currently holding the position of Chairman of the Board. This strategic approach adds structure and a competitive element to the ranking system, fostering a challenging environment with various benefits.
A Rank Cooldown represents the waiting period required for an individual to be eligible for promotion. For instance, if xTre_yy has a cooldown of 7 days, it means that he cannot receive another promotion until a full 7 days have passed since his last promotion. This cooldown applies to members who attain ranks through leveling, and they must adhere to the specified cooldown duration when claiming a new rank. It is also important to note, that claiming rank(s) through our in-game level system, will not apply towards rank cooldowns.
A Rank Quota signifies the weekly requirement for hosting or supervising sessions. Failing to meet the quota can result in warnings and, in cases of prolonged inactivity, potential demotions. Members can earn one session point by hosting, co-hosting, or assisting in a session, while one supervision point is awarded for overseeing a session. Importantly, a session point does not count as a supervision point, and vice versa.
Minute requirements dictate the weekly commitment of in-game presence. Failure to meet these requirements may result in removal or warnings, emphasizing the importance of consistent activity within the specified timeframe.
Rank Limits, Cooldowns, Quota, and Minute Requirements
Rank | Limit | Cooldown | Quota | Minute Requirements |
Cadet Officer (LR) | N/A | 2 days | N/A | N/A |
Corrections Officer (LR) | N/A | 2 days | N/A | N/A |
Emergency Response Team (LR) | N/A | 3 days | N/A | N/A |
Commander (LR) | N/A | 3 days | N/A | N/A |
Prison Inspector (LR) | N/A | 5 days | N/A | N/A |
Deputy Warden (LR) | N/A | 5 days | N/A | N/A |
Warden (LR) | N/A | 1 week | N/A | N/A |
Superintendent (MR) | N/A | 1 week | N/A | N/A |
Chairperson (MR) | 200 | 1 week | 1 Session Point/Week | 60 Minutes |
Facility Director (MR) | 115 | 2 weeks | 2 Session Points/Week | 80 Minutes |
Community Advisory Council (HR) | 30 | 3 weeks | 2 Supervision Points/Week | 135 Minutes |
Prison Commissioner (HR) | 22 | 4 weeks | 1 Supervision Point/Week | 120 Minutes |
Board of Governors (HR) | 12 | N/A | 1 Supervision Point/Week | 100 Minutes |
Chief of Staff (Leadership) | 10 | N/A | N/A | 50 Minutes |
Branch Diversity Team (Leadership) | 5 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Chairman of the Board (Leadership) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Chief Executive Officer (Leadership) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Stateview Leadership (Executive) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
This rank is assigned to rule-breakers within Stateview. Rule breakers may be subject to an appeal located in our administration server.
Cooldown Limit: N/A.
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
This is the first obtainable rank when joining our group. You are an inmate, and are to comply with our roleplaying standards and instructions requested by officers.
Cooldown Limit: N/A.
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
Respected Inmates are awarded to the most dedicated former staff associated of Stateview. This rank may only be rewarded once you have resigned from a high-ranking-position.
Cooldown Limit: N/A.
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
Level two unlocks Cadet Officers. These occupants are trainee-staff associates who must obey superiors inside the facility.
Cooldown Limit: Two Days.
Obtainable Through Session: Yes.
Unlocking level four and/or passing the application located in the Roblox Group is required to become a Corrections Officer. These officers are still in the process of staff development and will be patrolling the prison on a regular basis.
Cooldown Limit: Two Days.
Obtainable Through Session: Yes.
Emergency Response members are to respond to all emergency-calls around the facility, while patrolling the entire building with heavy weapons. This rank may be unlocked by reaching level-six.
Cooldown Limit: Three Days.
Obtainable Through Session: Yes.
Prison Commanders are the first authorized members to enter the command-room. These lower-ranked officers are to patrol the facility, and expected to use communication through the radio.
Cooldown Limit: Three Days.
Obtainable Through Session: Yes.
The position of Prison Inspector may be obtained by achieving level-sixteen. These officers have authority to issue in-game orders that lower ranked guards must comply to. These members are responsible for the supervision of lower ranked members.
Cooldown Limit: Five Days.
Obtainable Through Session: Yes.
Members who hold the position of Deputy Warden are responsible for supervising and patrolling the facility. During certain situations, these members are expected to know when to activate the lockdown alarm. This rank is obtained by reaching level thirty-two.
Cooldown Limit: Five Days.
Obtainable Through Session: Yes.
The position of Prison Warden is achieved by reaching level-sixty-four. These members are the highest rank in the low-ranking category. Prison Wardens have authorization to issue commands/orders to lower ranked officers. In addition, these members may assist [Help] in trainings.
Cooldown Limit: Seven Days.
Obtainable Through Session: Yes.
The position of Superintendent is the only middle-rank that does not require quota-completion. This members are expected to know basic rules/regulations and roleplaying procedures throughout Stateview. This position may be obtained through training/inspection-sessions.
Cooldown Limit: Seven Days.
Obtainable Through Session: Yes.
Chairperson can be attained by demonstrating exceptional activity, professionalism, and maturity as a Superintendent, as well as being noticed by a High Rank or passing an inspection. This rank has the ability to co-host shifts and trainings. These users may also host shifts under the supervision of a Facility Director or higher.
Cooldown Limit: Seven Days.
Obtainable Through Session: N/A
The rank of Facility Director can be obtained by demonstrating exceptional activity, professionalism, and maturity as a Chairperson. They may also host shifts and trainings on their own with the supervision of a Community Advisory Council or higher. These players are authorized to assist in Riot Protocols.
Facility Director’s are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information.
Cooldown Limit: Fourteen Days.
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
Community Advisory Council can be obtained by demonstrating outstanding activity, professionalism, and maturity as a Facility Director and being recognized by a Board of Governors+ or passing an inspection with leadership attendance. Members who hold this rank can host trainings/shifts on their own, as well as Riot Protocols under the supervision of a Prison Commissioner+. Members who withhold this position may also promote members below them with the agreement of Prison Commissioner or higher.
Members who withhold the position of Community Advisory Council are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information. These members have authorization to impose suspensions, terminations, written-warnings, blacklists, and demotions. However, they are required to have authorization from the rank of Prison Commissioner or higher.
Cooldown Limit: Twenty-One Days.
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
This rank operates almost the same as Community Advisory Council, with the exception of being able to supervise a Riot-Protocol and host inspections. Prison Commissioners are expected to know every procedure and operation within Stateview.
Members who withhold the position of Prison Commissioner are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information. These members have authorization to impose suspensions, terminations, written-warnings, blacklists, and demotions. These members do not require further approval to act. Members who withhold this position may promote members below them [Excluding Community Advisory Council]
without approval or permission.
Cooldown Limit: Twenty-Eight Days.
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
The position of Board of Governors is the highest obtainable rank within Stateview Corporation. These members are authorized to host any session within Stateview. In addition, to assisting in major events/meetings hosted by executives.
Members who withhold the position of Board of Governors are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information. These members have authorization to impose suspensions, terminations, written-warnings, blacklists, and demotions. These members do not require further approval to act. Members who withhold this position may promote members below them
without approval or permission.
Cooldown Limit: N/A
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
Stateview Leadership Personnel
Chief of Staff may be achieved by demonstrating months of activity within Stateview. These members are the interim leadership associates, who are authorized to vote/create regulations in the benefit of Stateview.
Members who withhold the position of Chief of Staff are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information. These members have authorization to impose suspensions, terminations, written-warnings, blacklists, and demotions. These members do not require further approval to act. Members who withhold this position may promote members below them without approval or permission.
Cooldown Limit: N/A
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
The rank of Branch Diversity Team is awarded to our most loyal leadership members. These associates are to supervise high-ranking officials to ensure our infrastructure operations are working properly.
Members who withhold the position of Branch Diversity Team are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information. These members have authorization to impose suspensions, terminations, written-warnings, blacklists, and demotions. These members do not require further approval to act. Members who withhold this position may promote members below them without approval or permission.
Cooldown Limit: N/A
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
This rank is not obtained through promotional sessions or activities; rather, it is awarded to candidates who win elections in Stateview Prison. This rank is NOT considered leadership. These users are members of the legislative branch, and any questions directed to them should have been routed through their respective Administration Cabinets before reaching them. These members are in charge of recommending new activities and legislation to Stateview Prison. More information can be found in #elected-official bylaws.
Members who withhold the position of Federal Governor are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information. These members have authorization to impose suspensions, terminations, written-warnings, blacklists, and demotions. These members do not require further approval to act. Members who withhold this position may promote members below them without approval or permission.
Cooldown Limit: N/A
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
Members who withhold this rank are in-charge of the staff infrastructure/management of Stateview Corporation. These members are head of the board, in addition to the supervision of departmental operations.
Members who withhold the position of Chairman of the Board are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information. These members have authorization to impose suspensions, terminations, written-warnings, blacklists, and demotions. These members do not require further approval to act. Members who withhold this position may promote members below them without approval or permission.
Cooldown Limit: N/A
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
Members who hold the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) are tasked with overseeing the entire strategic direction, operations, and performance of Stateview Corporation. As the highest-ranking executive, the Chief Executive Officer provides visionary leadership, collaborates with the board of directors to set corporate objectives, manages department heads, and represents the company in external business dealings.
Members who withhold the position of Chief Executive Officer are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information. These members have authorization to impose suspensions, terminations, written-warnings, blacklists, and demotions. These members do not require further approval to act. Members who withhold this position may promote members below them without approval or permission.
Cooldown Limit: N/A
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.
Stateview Executive Personnel
Users with this rank are shareholders/owners of Stateview Prison. This rank may also be available to developers who own a percentage of Stateview Corporation/Plan F. Games.
Members who withhold the position of Stateview Leadership are authorized to impose disciplinary action against rule-breakers pursuant to Staff Information. These members have authorization to impose suspensions, terminations, written-warnings, blacklists, and demotions. These members do not require further approval to act. Members who withhold this position may promote members below them without approval or permission.
Cooldown Limit: N/A
Obtainable Through Session: N/A.