Starting an official stateview YouTube channrl

I was wondering if I could start an official state view prison YouTube channel! I think I do need permission from a leadership as I want to avoid copy right, so if any leadership reads this post please think about it as I absolutely love posting things on YouTube, etc.

Best regards,
Your local Panda.

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I’m not gonna lie to you bro this will not happen. Jimmy/SVL would not want “official” company representation to be ran by a random person.


Official Stateview YouTube And jimmys youtube channel (bruh I can’t find it)

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That channel only has 1 video, I wiuld be posting like, a lot.

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You can always make videos about stateview, just don’t pretend to be official company representation.


Surprised he hasnt tried taking over the wiki


true he would prob demote all of us down from wiki staff and then make a department for the wiki

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I would not let him though - I would give him admin perms if he wanted them but nothing I can not manage

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well he could ask fandom staff to give perms to him if he can prove that he is actually jimmy

He would have to do an adoption request which is what I did myself. Basically Me or ESB being active blocks him from going through with it.

That isn’t how fandom works…

Tho he coouuuld sue for copyright

just like that

U can only adopt if no admins/beuriacrats have made any esits in the last 30 days

What’s jimmys channel called?

I mean, make a SV channel but don’t call it like “Stateview Official” or something like that cause that’ll get you in trouble. You can do SV Vids and other types of vids obviously but ye, don’t call your channel something it isn’t