I made an unofficial Stateview Prison Subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/StateviewPrisonRoblox/
Feel free to join.
it can be used for clips of you playing the game.
I also want do get some new moderators, I might make applications for that
I made an unofficial Stateview Prison Subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/StateviewPrisonRoblox/
Feel free to join.
it can be used for clips of you playing the game.
I also want do get some new moderators, I might make applications for that
how do i change my username in reddit plz help me
You are not banned the community is banned. Probably for Coppy right.
Bye SV!!!
It was fine yesterday, I’m pretty sure It was not banned for copyright, it was against Reddit tos. I don’t what I did for that to happen. It would have said it was banned for a takedown request. There was a previous Stateview prison reddit that was banned so I don’t know if it was just me. I am a Admin on the wiki for Stateview prison but that has never been taken down and has been endorsed.
I thought it was because it was about a game. If you want I can make a community and make you admin as I am trusted by the Reddit admin team.
Hold up the wiki was endorsed?
I believe, I might be wrong but I thought trey say he supports it.
Oh idk then
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