In my opinion, the SV Staff system isn't compliable for rookies. I state this for 2 main reasons; 1. Orders like "Kill on Sight" cannot be carried out without a weapon. 2. Something like a guidebook menu should be added to make a better understanding of do's and do not's. Let's get more in depth.
Reason 1: Some orders cannot be be carried out due to rank limitations. So, a problem I see as a rookie quite often is whenever I read the orders on the board. But the thing is, "Kill on Sight" cannot be carried out as Cadets are not provided a weapon, unless you pay for it with a game pass. If SV wants to keep this system, then they should add alternative directions to make a work around to this problem. Such as "If you do not posses a weapon, then lock in cell for remainder of the period." or something like that. It is critical that rookies can understand what orders are being said to them, confusion is made whenever they cannot do the things in-game. That is my first reason.
Reason 2: Guidance is very bad. Imagine this; you're a prisoner who wants to join staff, but you have to take a test with no resources at all to get into it! My point on that is, resources should be available to prisoners for the test, or else they have to wing it. And now you may ask "But what's wrong whenever you join staff and pass it?", well for starters whenever you just join the staff team you are given very loose information regarding on directions. And I personally didn't notice the few directions on the board in the staff room at first! But, the directions are right out bad. If the management wants proper execution on the staff teams side, then they should have a menu to look at what you are suppose to do and what you are not suppose to do. Things like this have been demonstrated in other roleplay games, and have worked phenomenally. This evidence further supports why the SV staff system isn't compliable for rookies.
In conclusions, there can be improvements made on the compliability with rookies on the staff team. Also, this is just constructive criticism and the forums are a way to improve on the game and community itself.
Thanks for reading!