What would I want in case the prison gets a revamp

Some players are asking for a prison revamp so here’s what I’d like. I’m not asking for execessive aesthetic changes because, then, the prison would stop looking like a real prison. Without further ado here’s the list:

-Jobs most IRL prisons have jobs and it would be cool for inmates to have a job in-game here are some examples: cook works during lunch, janitor works during showers… inamtes who have a job must reach their quota to get at the end of the routine associated with their job inmates who have completed their quota will get a bouns 2xp; if they haven’t completed it they will get fired; if you get fired you can re-apply after 5 minutes.

-Since medical staff is, probably, coming back it would be we can add an office for a psychologist who will talk with inmates. Some could find this strange but remember that prison’s purpose whas always to rehabilitate those who went against the law to put them back into society.

-There’s always a set cooldown for inmates that get put in max/solitary so it would be better if, before putting an inmate into solitary/max, you would be able to provide a reason from a menu that would appear on top of the screen and each option gives a different cooldown for example killing an officer/inmate=minutes. I’m aware that this could be abused so feel free to criticize this point.

-“The Stateview library” in this library every player guards and inmates can learn about the game’s history by looking at photo albums, for example reading a book about the whole admin series that seebe has made.

-Directible spotlights and connected towers: Spotligths are pretty useless and they would be more usefu ,for scouts, during shifts, at night. The second option speaks for itself the towers should be connected by a bridge.

-Visitor room: Right now the game has a promising city that has potential that is not being used so we should add the civilian team and their players will smuggle items to help the inmates escape. Please note that visits can only be made during yard.

Let me know what you like and what you would change. If you feel like that something is missing add it down below and I will edit the post to put the new proposal alongside the name of who suggested it. Bye


Bro got a degree in yapping


Also the devs never Check the forums

he is what we call “yaping of the yapingtons”

Y are yall saying this as soon as anyone actually brings up something kinda decent?

Although this is just a compilation oft past sugesstions, whats your problem with ppl talking in the forums?
Like what else r u gonna do with it :skull:

What is so annoying about my talking manner?
Please point what you don’t like

  1. I ain’t reading that
  2. Ever heard of this thing called v3?

ok after reading it I have some things to say

Ok would be good, I’m thinking like how in Scp roleplay the ad vote for janitors, maybe it could be like that

This seems an ok idea, but nobody would actually do this. It would be a pain for inmates getting periodically relocated so I disagree

No, it’ll get abused

Sure but there’s not really a point to add it

Good idea

No. This is not mad city, the game is about the prison not the map around it.

Admin on the sv wiki

everything sounds good except for the visitor room/civilian team and the fact that prisoners can automatically lose jobs which seems kind if pointless other than that i think these are good ideas

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I really appreciate it thanks the only problem is the abuse of the new solitary system since we’re speaking about solitary if inmates reset while in there they will notget back the game pass items