2022 Shift Guide V2 {UNOFFICIAL}

:star: Setting Up:

Post your session in the #:alarm_clock:|sessions channel.

You should try find a co-host (CP+) - Unless you are doing a speedrun shift.

Please remember that NO helpers are allowed.

:rotating_light: Requirements:

Host must be CP+ (With a supervisor, FD+ does not need a supervisor.)

Co-host must be CP+

If you are CP, you need a supervisor.

Supervisor must be FD+

The Host, Co-host and supervisor should use grammar at all times.

CAC-PC require permission from a Board of Governors to host a Promotional Shift.

BOG+ can host a Promotional Shift.

:man_detective: Shift Calls

The Host (If FD+) will announce the following with the h command.

h A Shift is being hosted, come to the Sessions room to attend and show great activity! (/3)

If the host is CP, the supervisor will announce it.

:safety_vest: Beginning

You must follow the order that this is in!


srlock shift starting

:warning: You MUST add a reason to avoid getting punished.

Host: Hello, welcome to my Shift! My username is (Username) and my rank here at Stateview Corporation is (Rank). My Co-Host will now introduce themselves.

(If Applicable) Co-Host: Hello, I am (Username) and my rank here at Stateview Corporation is (Rank). I will be Co-Hosting today’s Shift!

Host: Before we begin, let’s go over a few rules to help you pass this Shift!


I - Do not say PTS (Permission To Speak) while I am speaking.

II - Follow all orders given to you by a CP+ unless they ask you to break the rules.

III - If there is any problem, come to me, my Co-Host or any other CP+ for assistance.

IV - No asking for promotions/ranks.

V - You must use grammar at all times.

Host: I will now hand out the roles!


Host: The Co-host will now hand out the roles!

Patrol Team - Patrols the prison, follows the status.

Scout Team - Patrols outside the prison and guards the prison from watch towers.

Response Team - Guards around the set status, answers to any panic calls, watches over checkpoints and control room.

Camera Operator - Works on cameras, reporting about the prison on the radio.

Captain - Head of a group of people, keeping control in their group and restoring order.

Host: Just some extra notes to keep in-mind.

Host: We will be using channel 2 for this shift, use the format [Role] message when speaking in chat.

Host: Example: [Scout] Front gate is clear!

After that, unlock the session room and announce the following:

h Shift dismissed to roles, stay for any questions.

:night_with_stars: Session

Host/Co-Host/Supervisor: “h Please do not change the Status or mess around with lockdown due to an on-going shift, failure to due so will result in a punishment.”

Go walk around the prison and check on the attendees. Answer any questions they ask.

Key Locations to check on:

  • Watch Tower
  • Status
  • Corridors
  • Panic Calls (Locations in the radio)

Make your shifts 10-20 minutes, don’t do a long one

Lockdown drill

This is not required but it might give you a better grade

  • Go to the control room
  • Activate lockdown
  • Announce this:
    H [Lockdown Drill] There is now a lockdown drill ongoing. All Inmates should be transported to the Cell Block and be placed in cells.
    Wait 5-10 minutes then continue
  • Ask in radio if all prisoners/inmates are in cells
  • Turn off lockdown
  • Announce this:
    H [Lockdown Drill] The lockdown drill is now complete. Continue with the status.

After that, do a quick walk around the status and the watchtowers, then return to the sr.

Concluding the Shift

Host/Supervisor: “h Can everyone from the Shift please come back to the Sessions room”
Host: Welcome back everyone, how was the shift?
Wait for them to answer
Host: Great! Now before I announce the hardest workers, let’s take a photo!
Make the trainees STS again and then take the “proof” or screenshot needed for the Training log.

Normally there are 2 ways of taking the screenshot.

The Line: (Popular)
Screenshot 2022-01-11 at 7.30.13 PM
An example

The Wedge:

An example

After taking the photo:

Host: The hardest workers are…
Name of Hardest Worker, Ect.

Host: Thank you for attending my Shift today. I would like to say that it has been a pleasure to be your host today!

Co-Host: Also from me, thank you for participating in our shift, dismissed!

Next, run this command:
h Shift dismissed, have a great rest of your day/night

  • After you conclude your training, log it in #shift-logs and delete your session in #session-logs!
  • Keep in mind, if a Community Advisory Council+ Is hosting a shift, they are allowed to promote people depending upon how much dedication they put into it… However, they need Board of Governors+ permissions. Read Staff-announcements for more information.

Auto Shift Grader: https://forms.gle/W4LACuQX3mGzW1eK6




Yes good

(Pls characters pls pls)

This one is cleaner and better than old,good and thank you.

Yes it’s so pro liek :potato: :fire: :fries:


Good guide but maybe at the end what I usally do after I say thanks for atending the shift I do an announcment saying “h Shift dismissed, have a great rest of your day/night!”

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Add “h Shift dismissed, have a great rest of your day/night!”

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Obv agree i have that in my own thing

Added, @dan.p2007 thanks for the suggestion!

Just some details: Add: srlock shift ending and add how many calls you need to do for call-back then after you run h Shift dismissed, have a great rest of your day/night add there: srlock shift ended, add before hand-out the roles: Did everyone understand the rules?, then after you give-out roles add: Everyone knows their role? If no, say PTS!, then add: I will now explain each role.

Isnt that common sense though

pls character

This is probably the best Shift guide within SV.

Can you change that?
That has been changed but not announced yet…

I explained it in such a big text, i know.

Nope, I will wait for it to be publicly announced first because I don’t want to be missleading people.

1 Like

Just to say, co-host is SI+. Or maybe this post is just old.

This is extremely old from 2022, 2 years ago!