A bit of memories from OG to OG's

Do y’all OG’s from OG V2 SV remember these things?

  1. Passers from trainings and shifts would get sat.
  2. Accuracy was shooting an inmate with a taser from the other side of the SR in every training (not inspection).
  3. When the order in training was: Faces, scenarios, questions and accuracy.
  4. When shifts had vice captain (DW+).
  5. When SR had a doorway, but not a door.
  6. When you could escape from vent.
  7. When at lunch you had the balcony.
  8. When lunch solitary teamed inmates to solitary.
  9. When we had a basketball field and on the one end of it, stands for the auidence.
  10. When Yard had 4 watch towers.
  11. When shifts had 2 Cam-Op.
  12. When Warden was in #WHITESHIRTGANG
  13. Old City and the swinging board
  14. Vote kick system for DW+.
  15. CP admin.
  16. Criminals had AKM.
  17. MO, MO Spawn
  18. Medical room at the 2nd floor.
  19. Old Yard gate/door.
  20. No dancing on duty rule.
  21. Lexicon raid + Lost levels.
  22. AC Rank.
  23. Quiz/task to get helper/Co.
  24. Training round at training faces.
  25. Old aiming system.
  26. Infinite ammo.
  27. Only parts of 2nd floor.
  28. Quiz center to become CO.
  29. White radio (and light blue)
  30. Callsigns + Panic button
  31. Glitchy rope.
  32. Rope under the stands

Definitely, I had an old account where I think I was warden, and I’d just play V1 all day :smiley:

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I remember a bunch of those but I think my favorite is


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All I still know are votekick (I got votekicked once lol), MO, tazer accuracy in trainings. I was really new when the old V2 things were there and didn’t notice stuff like CP admin.

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Yeah, me too.

I was here when most of these happened especially this

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What did I miss?
Note: I joined on July 2021

If you have old videos and/or pictures, please send in here for the good old times!

Current times aren’t that bad.

Yeah, but not as good as back then.


Most OG’s (as old/older) than me however say that older was better, xd