add more guns such as an AUG, Revolver, Riot Shield with a baton/pistol. Also maybe add a minigun/machine gun gamepass that is only available for I think criminals. About the teams, maybe add a team where Commanders+ can join without joining the ERT team role thing. Sorry if my English is bad.
I think COMM+ should be allowed to join a team called Riot Control which controls riots and has new weapons such as a bulletproof vest, AUG, Revolver, and a next gen riot shield which is bigger and a lot more protective then the ERT shield. PI+ can join a team called Prison Investigation. They have access to a PI+ room to check the cameras. The cameras record everything and can playback. Prison Investigation have ERT tools. This is useful for finding crims and dealing with them. DW+ should have access to a team called Mid Command. This team is the team lower than High Command and is available for DW+ to join. Anyone on the team is like the chief of the prison if no High Command is on the server. They get ERT tools. They can also votekick without a vote. In addition to this, people that are AFK farming for EXP will be instantly temp banned for 5 days if detected by the server. They also have to pass a small quiz to be sure they are ready and fit. If they fail to obey to what they had promised in the quiz, they will be perm banned. And also make Wardens have Moderator Commands ONLY if they are no CP+ in the server. This is to ensure that there is always aa Moderator in the server when needed.
I think there should be a sepreate team for dw or warden+ because comm is too easy to get.
De should not be able to votekikc without a vote, back then warden had COMMANDS and that was heavely abused. So defnetly no kick for dw or ward
Yessss the aug would be sooo cool!
lets ignore the 3 year revive
kinda ironic dont u think
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It’s just because of the revive I saw this topic and had a laugh at all the stupid ideas lol
i feel like the riot control is kindaa a good ome
Riot control would be double redundant.
We got ERT(does riot control) AND OC(also does riot control)
true did not think of that
And the guns are unrealistic. Glocks and M4s see usage in law enforcement. Some OC weapons are a bit weird but an AUG???
No, this is a terrible idea. All these teams and their perks are way to overpowered and will get abused a lot. For example, DW’s will most likely abuse votekick because they don’t need a vote. Also, it will take time for the devs to make new guns.
Yeah and a prison really doesn’t need more guns, we already got too many.
I think it’s a bad idea as it would be a lot of work for the devs and anyway, it would be abused and COMM is to low a rank to have it.It should be a rank you’ve worked hard towards like SI.Also, OC has some of the weapons listed.
OC has none of these, only the M134 exists similarly to what was suggested to be in a GP.
Actually, they have a baton and a glock 43
None of that was suggested in the main topic, the baton only in combination with a working riot shield
here’s a list of all the guns we have
Dragunov SVU
Machine Gun
Nerve Agent
Honey Badger
Kriss Vector
Rocket Launcher
Glock 43
Desert Eagle
DM me to buy