All Short Text Meaning And Why It Is Used For

Continuing the discussion from All Data (Info You Will Need To Know):

Short Term Text Meanings
W: Warnings
W1: Warning #1
W2: Warning #2
W3: Warning #3
VK: Vote Kick
CD: Cooldown

Callsign what you should use
Rank: Medical Officer
Callsign: MO##

Rank: Corrections Officer
Callsign: CO##

Rank: Emergency Response Team
Callsign: ERT##

Rank: Commander
Callsign: COMM##

Rank: Prison Inspector
Callsign: PI##

Rank: Deputy Warden
Callsign: DW##

Rank: Warden
Callsign: W##

Rank Chairperson
Callsign: CP##

Rank: Facility Director
Callsign: FD##

Rank: Community Advisory Council
Callsign CAC##

Rank: Prison Commissioner
Callsign: PC##

Rank: Board Of Governors
Callsign: BOG##

Rank: Chief Of Staff
Callsign: COS##

Rank: Brach Diversity Team
Callsign: BDT##

Rank: Prison Engineers
Callsign: PE##

Rank: Governor
Callsign: N/A

Rank: Chairwoman Of The Board
Callsign: CWOTB##

Rank: Chairman Of The Board
Callsign: CMOTB##

Above The CMOTB
Callsign: N/A