- Description:
When firing the AWP while scoped in, the bullet doesn’t go to where you are aiming. Additionally, when you’re not scoped in and something is in the way between the gun and your aiming point, one bullet hole appears on that object while another appears where you aim. No-scoping without obstructions makes the bullet hole appear exactly where you aim, however it doesn’t seem to always damge players, even using that method. - How often does it occur:
Everytime you fire the AWP in one of these configurations. - Where does it occur:
Anywhere. - How to reproduce:
Fire the AWP while scoping or fire it without scoping but with something between the gun and the point you are aiming at - pictures showing the bug:
Both bullet holes appeared after one shot. (not scoping and the gun was facing the door)
Left is the location aimed at (marked with another shot), right the location the bullet hole appeared.