Hello everyone!
If it’s possible, I’d think it would be great if the GA got big enough to have a decent chance of answering modcalls fast enough so that abusers can get caught in the act. GA just feels to overwhelmed with the size of SV’s playerbase and quick responses would also improve teaching of players making mistakes, forming generally better players.
Reports on intel don’t take effect during your gameplay, so if someone abuses and you report them, it will not improve your game directly, as the report will have to be reviewed.
Additionally, reporting takes a little while and needs you to be afk while reporting. In problematic servers, this will almost prevent you from playing at all.
I know the large amount of admins would need to be checked thoroughly in order to prevent AA, but it would improve a lot of the gameplay for people that have no other options but to call an administrator.
Thank you for your time,
Cyberwolf2500 “racnon_277”
SV Superintendent
ga already has almost the most admin power out of any department and people cant be online 24/7, and also the point of a report is to be reviewed, not to instantly ban the person who was reported, and also, reports do take effect in game if the ticket is accepted
I know the GA is big and that they can’t always be online but if they were even bigger it would improve the response time for sure.
About the intel reports, you missed the point of my post. I did not complain about them, only prevented everyone from telling me to “just report on intel”, wich does not help the game at the point the report is made. This can only be accomplished by modcalls if they’re fast enough.
Thank you very much for your interpretation of the title, however this place is not intended as the title interpretation place, rather for discussing GA size in relation to playerbase and GA average response time and options to optimize it.