Bugs/ glitch when the person who’s holding me in handcuffs leaves

basically the glitch is when someone handcuffs me and they leave I’m still in the handcuffs and i can’t reset and if I rejoin I always end up in solidarity for fail rp when I was trying to fix the bug

  • it always happens
  • whenever the person leaves the game

Dear @angelic_aura73,

This is a known Bug/Glitch unfortunately we have no fix for it since the Developers working on a new version of Stateview and don’t have the time to do a fix/update for it. Only thing you could try to do is make a modcall and wait for a Admin to respawn/refresh you so you don’t end up in solitary for Fail RP.

Kind regards
Chief of Staff
Executive | Leadership
Overseer of Everything


Tysm and yay to a new update :smiley:

New game*


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