Crouch/down/sprint buttons looking weird

Hello there
Firstly sorry i failed about record this to a video, because roblox crashing when i start recording, because of my ram. but i have screenshots

In mobile, crouch, down and sprint buttons looking weird after a few dies or arrests, really i have no idea why that happening

it should normally look like this:

But when i dying or arresting a few times, it looking like this:


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Yeah, this happens to me too. I hate it. @dpimpy

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Never happened to me for some reason…

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Interesting because it always happening to me

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This is happening to everyone if you played stateview on mobile you would know after you get reset via dying, Arrested, or res. you lose the ability to sprint. it is very annoying because PC players have the advantage since they dont need a sprint button to run. so with that being said @dpimpy can you please release a bug fix to actually help the mobile players and not just focus on PC players. Thank you

  • Darrionm13 (Aang)
  • Warden
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It must be because you’re using a tablet device and I only use a smartphone device.

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Im using a smartphone device to but it still happens to me.

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Yeah this is so bad ikr it always happens with mobile player

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