I pretty much enjoy Stateview UI: simple and efficient, but after latest huge update with new UI it became a big mess: a lot of strange design decisions, which makes it look quite bad (for example: buttons on left side of display, which redirects to its menu category… but why you need to separate them all and not just place inside one (NOT) big menu?? And there’s, for some reason, a SEPARATED STORE WHICH REDIRECT TO ONLY ONE PAGE OF STORE!! (gun shop and just store…). And like: okay, that’s not such a problem, BUT IT IS, IT COVERS MY SCREEN! And also: R A D I O, which is not just strange, it’s the worst “update” of ui since previous gray-styled version of SV, on mobile it’s almost impossible to change radio channeles sometimes (remember about bugs or roblox on android, which destroys UI completely (#bringbackoldmobilecontrols) but also makes it look strange on PC, because you have to close that roblox chat thing to just change radio channel, which is so annyoing!). My eyes BURNED after that one, so I’ve decided: why not try to fix those problems and then request it, so here I am.
How can I (we) fix menu and those buttons on left side: simplify! Just simplify it all to one button at top of the screen, nearby status and roblox buttons, adapting it to roblox ui style - semi transparent black button with rounding, and unify sections of menu: shop is the shop, and there can only be one shop, just split by categories and show 'em all, because it’s easier and better (also you can store some highly priced tools at top and it (probably) can make others buy it instead of something other, isn’t it?).
What about radio: redesign to roblox-looking like UI and just show all three radio channels at once… Not the chats themself, but picker, like segmented control that is present on Apple UI Guidelines, but not really looking like that, something other, of course… I’ve tried doing exact segment control, but it looks a bit weird there…
Also, what about CR Controls? These are nice, I like the style, but if I (we) redesign some things - its easier to redesign whole section, or everything, that user can see, instantly, so I’ve tried to “fix” CR Controls, which was pretty hard, because it’s mostly fine already, but you can simplify specific-door control a bit by making it into two sections, I see this as pretty efficient way to redo the thing
This mostly is everything I wanted to tell before previewing my UI overhaul I’ve tried to make:
(Yeah, and about colors: I thought that accent should be changed to this one, but blue can be used also)
Also, about blue version:
Edit: Just learned how to upload files to Figma like a normal person, so here’s updated link (previously it was in first comment): SVPUI