Going to make stateview YouTube video :D

Hello guys. I’m going to make a YouTube video about stateview! Here’s my plan (give advice pls).

First video will be about how the game works and stuff. All the ranks, rules and regulations.

Then like day in the life of a low rank (I need a low rank volunteer for this)

Then day in the life of a middle rank (I will do this)

Then day in the life of a high rank (need a high rank for this)

I will also post some clips of people chilling and me on the inmate team.

Reply with some advice below! (Or if you can be a high rank or low rank to volunteer for it)

What is ur yt?

Overlord Gaming (I’m new to content creating)

MK_Overlord Gaming I mean

ill be low rank volunteer friend me on rbx user is my user

ill be available at about 3pm EST today

Are you on discord?

i cant find your channel and no

Rip need people on discord

why? you dont need dizzy to communicate

Gimie link

oh yeah and what is ur user on rbx

make that 3:20 EST

How are you not on discord :skull:

i dont need it and dont want it

That’s actually only allowed as a LR.

And also, I can’t really help. I’m a GA and getting into OC, but my rank is SI so no new rank group to show.