Healing items -

Healing Items

I think a good new feature could be healing items such as, Med Kit, Stimpak, Band-Aid, School ice pack.

Why these items should be added?
I think this will make the in game combat experience a lot more interesting, diverse, and enjoyable for players. It can help for officers in tough situation when there are multiple criminals vs a small amount of guards.

Who should have the items?
I think making them purchasable via the store for inmates is a good idea. For officers I think that band aids is a reasonable choice and then ERT should have the Med Kit. Of course these are just ideas of which medical item can be assigned to who and can obviously be changed.

Thank you for reading my feature request! :saluting_face:

Hello @PhoneGhoster1 .
To your notice, this feature probably will not be added as we can already revive players.

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its a cool concept tho


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med kit already exists and the medical team was removed, the only way to get medkit still is to use “give” command

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It Still Does!!!?? omg giveeeee me

The “give” command is only available if you have SHR admin.

Yeah Makes Sense


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