How did you get to your current rank?

How did you get your current rank in Stateview? Levels, sessions, or maybe someone recongnizing your activity?

I got until DW through levels and W by passing a promo shift, then I got terminated and I passed multiple trainings until I was PI (I appealed and got back W). After that i got noticed and got CP. I then claimed W because I didn’t have time to complete quota. 2 years later I passed a training to get SI.

I started as CAO with the quiz, leveled up to ERT and finally I was promoted in a Shift to Commander. This all happened in the course of like 2 weeks (when I started playing)

I got COMM with levels then i passed 2 trainings and got DW and now im hunting W

i passed wantbdt with a score of 89.7859%


getting cac is light just gotta play the game for 5 months

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Got to DW through levels, Warden from a promo-shift and SI from a training.

I played 5 months just to get CP :skull:

PI through levels, W through shifts, and SI through a training. TBH trainings should be harder because it’s super easy to pass and you have a huge jump in responsibility from W-SI

I went from medical officer to commander through levels, Pi through a training, DW and W via levels and SI from a trainings.

Fun fact!: I have attended to inspections but both of them ended up being cancelled

Got to W through levels got cp via promo shift around a year ago got FD via fee ranking💀 and then resigned to si

I got promoted to Chairperson from Bede because I was very active and I had good stats.

i got up to pi from levels, got si through training, got cp through inspec, and fd through activity noticed

I got commander from getting HW in shift and the others from levels

I got from SI - CP from noticed activity and passing an inspection, and went from CP - SI through A1ex’s demotional training. Sad moment.

CAO - SI was just through trainings! CP, which I got recently, was from a demotional training! (I was one of the few who passed!)

levels to DW, then 2 trainings to SI

Levels to PI, then a training to DW.

Claimed Warden.


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got mo-dw thru levels, got dw-si thru training, si-cp thru inspec, and cp-cac thru activity