Less lethal weapon

Let me just be honest. It’s kinda weird that ERT has a M4 that can KILL inmates. In my opinion they should have an less lethal weapons too.

The rifle!

Damage: 5 dmg ( No Mather where they got hit)

Reload time: 9 seconds

Ammonition per mag: 1 bullet or 2 bullets

Speciality: Makes the inmate / criminal walk
slower ( 5% of the speed ) for 20 seconds.

Max ammonition: 8 ( To refill ammonition you have to go to the spawn)

On what level you get the weapon: 32 ( Only to ERT) , 70 ( For ERT and CO)

This is so dumb. You mean somthing like gun - All of the mechanics

So first #searchbar also here and also why the guns we have are good enough.

Ngl this actually seems pretty nice
But yes it should be DW+

Jerryomgxu - FD

Zamn :confused:

Welcome to epic regular squad

Lol Jonah have you still not got yours back?