Make the leveling system level you up faster

The Leveling system, levels you up slowly. I actually talked to a few players and they said “the leveling system is too slow, i wish it was faster.” It takes hours just to gain about 5 levels, so you would have to spend days for your favorite team. I truly wish this was implemented as the leveling system works at a really slow pace.

so the way it works is you either complete daily quests as an inmate, or play for 1 hour and get 1 level, it actually gives levels a meaning and show that you’re dedicated to the game
and i know the levelling system is quite slow, but for that exact reason

Well, i’ve just spend grinding on it. I have done no quests while grinding to level 100 i got to level a 100 in 2022. I don’t care about it no offence just grind instead of caring about the level.