Max or Solitary?

I’m a new SI in SV and i have been reading the forum now for a few days. When I play, if someone has a gun, I have been told to place them in Max. I have never placed someone in solitary.

But recently when exploring the Forum, it appears that Max is worse then solitary? Is this still the case?

Also could anyone tell me when to place an inmate in max or solitary.

INWEYGDVB (Discord and roblox)

Max is for killing I believe and solitary is for like any contraband, I could be wrong

noone knows and it doesnt matter

there’s no set regulations whether to place inmates in max or solitary and you won’t get punished for placing them in the wrong area, so it doesn’t matter

Nobody really knows at this point. I personally use:
Max for
-Shooting but not killing an officer
Solitary for
-Killing an officer
-Attempted escape

Well I usually used solitary for everything considered as a punishment and max for stuff that made the inmate a threat.

Inmate spamming - punishment: command them to stop and cuff if they do not - placement: cell blocks

Inmate knifing - punishment: tase and cuff - placement: solitary

Inmate shooting - punishment: lethal force killing or tase and cuff - placement: Maximum

Inmate pushing - punishment: command them to stop, if they do not stop baton or cuff - placement: cell blocks

Inmate punching - punishment: command them to stop or baton or taser and cuff - placement: cell blocks or solitary

Inmate disrespect - punishment: command them to stop, if they do not cuff - placement: solitary

Inmate asking simple questions - notice how the officer responds

Inmate with contraband but not used - frisked and warned. If they are found with it again cuff - placement: Maximum

Inmate rioting - punishment: warning, taser, cuffs to move them around. If it gets out of hand, they should be cuffed and placed in solitary. (If armed, then placement: Maximum)

Corrupt cop giving out free ranks - should be ignored, confronted, and reported in intel

Corrupt cop telling someone to break rules - confronted, told it is wrong to do so, and reported in intel

IA agent telling people they are in IA as a private agent - reported to leadership or public agent in IA

this was in the old training guide

  1. Imate spamming should be modcall/report in intel.
  2. Don’t ever put anyone in CB as it is considered tool abuse.
  3. IA agent thing should be reported to IA HC.
  4. Inmate Disrespect should be modcall/report in intel.
    But yeah like half is correct.

I took this directly from the old training guide, when modcalls didn’t exist

just because you put an inmate in cb doesn’t mean it’s tool abuse, there are reasons to put inmate in cb

The only reason is a lockdown or blackout…

Maybe back then? But this guide is completely useless in the current game.