Mobile bug reports

This is a full report on the Big fixes at stateview mobile.

The tools for Mobile, such as M4, Glock, and such with any buttons in it.

What our problem is that, whenever we stay for about 30 minutes or less, the buttons WILL dissapear.

Forcing us to rejoin on such important times, this bug also includes the Crouch and Auto-sprint dissapearing.

Now it is impossible for us Mobile players to stop this since, there is always lag.

I have no proof for now but I am confidently saying that many Mobile players have already reported this, I am just adding up some pointers.

2nd proof: | Credits to GodlyJosey7 for the proof.

This also includes the car. | Credits to anosanos.

Mobile is a huge problem they should fix urgently ASAP. Its like mobile is always disadvantaged.

Oh, completely. Mobile is not a versatile as PC, and usually the same goes for console. But most of the issue with mobile lies within the small screen, and you can’t just make the buttons smaller. Roblox has come up with an effective solution to this, but honestly, I don’t think current phones can match performance with PCs, and there is not much you can really do about this, especially as a software developer.