New map Overhaul, it's massive

From @MrJoseph112,
Add a Riot Control that has an AUG, Bulletproof Vest, Revolver and a bigger riot shield. COMM+
Mid Command - Has the ‘middle of control’ DW-SI
& Maximum Security Isolation Confinement(MSIC) - It’s COMM+ locked.
Also, A room that has a mini map of where everyone is and can open all doors in prison(except Transport Corridor - I’ll come to that later)

Other Teams:
Infirmary Staff: Has a medkit and The ONLY team able to revive.
Media Department: Uses TV screens around the prison to broadcast things. FD+ Just cause they have been through a lot of training.
& Prison Inspection: PI moved to above Superintendent and below Chairperson. They spawn in the city and drive to the Prison to ‘inspect’ it.

PI moved to above SI and below CP
In PI’s old place - SCOMM Senior Commander

Transportation Corridor: Connects to Lunchroom, Yard, CB & Showers, prisoners walk or get shot.
Transportation Room: Opens all doors in the transportation corridor, manually no open all button, no other way to open those doors.

The Media Department is the idea of @hazthehomeslice I think.

I have been working on a plan for a few hours and it will include 3 more floors and at least 4 more rooms

Play it at:’s-Place-Number-86
I couldn’t change the name :pensive::pensive::pensive: