New vehicles should be added!

New vehicles Should be added since SV only has Dodge Challengers, Three new vehicles Should be added, I think a helicopter should definitely be added, And a police SUV instead of a challenger And a SWAT truck/Prison transport.

First, I don’t think we need a helicopter. It maybe could work in v3, but not in the current game.

Next, I would think you would need to grind money for the better vehicles, by arresting criminals,
killing armed prisoners, and attending different kinds of sessions.

But I think it would ad a funner aspect to the game.

No, V2 is very centralized around the prison, so there is no need for extra vehicles and a helicopter.

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but like i said, it could work in v3 bc they did that poll in the discord server to be a county style game.

Yeah, just not in V2.

If I’m not mistaken I remember a SUV [I don’t use the cars much]

there is already an SUV and also correct me if im wrong but the cars are dodge chargers