Power Hungry SI

There should be applications for OC.This is because it would create a new challenge for members of Stateview Correctional Facility as-well as fostering a sense of wellbeing.I have noticed a lack of activity from certain OC and applications will make sure they are active by having it in writing.



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There is bro. Just don’t come out often. Mostly handpicking and purchasing.

There aren’t apps. They only opened once and will never open again.

There are applications for OC. Just they came out once. As you said they will never open again. BUT so many people pay for OC that they don’t need to have app’s.

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Hello, Ilovefetchgaming1!

I hope you never get into the department of Overseer Command!



@jacob.xx_developer just like you to put that isn’t it?


Use some grammar. What you say?

why you carin bout grammar :skull:

I did use grammar, I use grammar a lot.


I wasn’t talking to you.



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Then what is “ just like you to put that isn’t it?” mean? Like who writes that and reads it and it makes sense.

I’m kinda sad you retired from GA and SV. Good luck to you on your other paths.

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It means, it like you to put that, like I’m not surprised you did.

A comment on the topic itself: OC grows via handpicks, not applications because OC HC can see the info thats important on BC and using that they’ll find the perfect canidates.

Also, tbh OC is not needed that much, only in big servers with a lot of riot potential. Most other problems can be handled by ERT staff

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