Promotiong Techkid2028

For the first time I have started the sessions. I hosted a session and I would like for Techkid2028 to be promoted for his hard work! I had some similar people that worked hard but I think Techkid2028 should have a promotion! Thank you and good bye!

This is not the place to discuss promotions, you should dm promotion suggestions to CAC+.

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Do not use feature requests for this, dont even use the forums for this. For a promotional request dm a CAC+.

Also one session isnt enough to warrant a promotion :confused:

Dm CAC+ and why do i have a weird suspicion you are actually suggesting urself


Do yall know how I am new and can dont know how/where send request to CAC+?

Is there like a link I am suppose to go to? If so please send it?


Inneed 30 character