Quickly Turn on/off Blackout

So, I was thinging to myself about the process that a session host and supervisor need to go throught to turn the lghts off for a blackout. I think it’s pretty long just to start a drill. First the host needs to join the inmate team, then the supervisor needs to warp to the janitor’s closet or grab the keycard and walk there, after that they need to teleport the host to them, finally the host needs to turn the lights off and switch back to correctional staff or ERT. I feel that there should just be a button on the outside of the janitor’s closet that the supervisor (FD+) could push for the lights to go off. Along with the lights going off, the janitor’s closet would be locked so people can’t turn the lights back on during the drill. The supervisor would just click the button again to turn the lights back on and end the drill.


Good Idea, the main reason Blackout drills are never hosted is because It’s so tedious to do. The main reason LD drills are hosted is because it’s one button press compared to the complicated ways of a blackout drill. My thoughts are that this is a good idea!



Yh, maybe like a command. For example:
/blackout [reason]


That would work too if they didnt want to add a button, but i think it would be better to have a button so someone does not accidently say “Blackout” and a blackout happens.


Yh, but you need the / first. Also, it would be HR+

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They don’t use / commands in Stateview. They would need to make the / command.


Ok, what if it was !blackout [reason]


That may work. Still like the button idea better thoguh because thats what they do for evacuations.


Although this idea has sense and honestly would make hosts/supervisors lives so much easier, the suggestion of a button on the outside of the area to just press, would be such an aid for abuse. Even if it was made FD+, there is always a chance of abuse or maybe even misuse by newer FDs or just FDs incapable of their rank. The benefit of the drill taking time is, to turn it off alone, it takes time. Time to turn the drill off is useful as it allows the attendees more time to actually work in the drill, and redeem themselves. Despite it being a bit of a burden to the hosting panel, it is an easy drill to activate, and a co host, host and supervisor should be well equipped to handle it. In my opinion, this drill teaches the host patience, consistency and how to handle stressful, timed drills. Practice makes perfect, and of course, some hosts will take more time than others with this drill.


i agree the way it is now is to complicated and just very confusing i thing we should change it to this


If you think about it, so what if it gets abused? Power being turned off is not a big deal anyway, and if the button has a cooldown, just like the lockdown, it would be even better. Not to mention that almost anything can be logged, from entering a location to pressing a button, including the blackout power. It’s so easy to set up a Discord webhook for this purpose. And if you really wanna get nerdy, they could go as far as the button using BloxCord API to check if the user is hosting a session and only then allow them to press the button.