Hello! I’m going to be explaining what every rank does and how to get them, so please enjoy.
Cadet: Cadets patrol the prison, you can get the rank by joining the group and then passing the Officer Quiz.
Corrections Officer: Corrections officer are mostly the same as Cadet but they receive a gun but only used for self defence. You can receive it by achieving level 3.
Emergency Response Team: Prison emergency backup, you can acquire this by level 4.
Commander: Permitted to enter the control room, acquirable by level 8.
Prison Inspector: Patrols the prison, but can enter most areas, acquirable by level 16.
Deputy Warden: 2nd in command, has permissions to toggle Lockdown, acquirable by level 32.
Warden: 1st in command, same permissions as Deputy Warden. Acquirable at level 64.
Superinditendant: Has permissions to do host sessions if in Majn Communications and Intel server. Acquirable by passing a training as Warden.
Chairperson: Able to host shifts with a Facility Director+ as supervisor and a ranker. Only acquirable if noticed or passing a promotional event.
Facility Director: Able to host shifts on their own [With a ranker] and able to host Trainings with a CAC+ as supervisor. Acquired by passing a promotional event or being noticed by CM.
Community Advisory Council: Able to host Shifts, trainings on their own. Acquirable by being noticed by CM.
Prison Commisioner: Gets access to many commands, able to host Inspections [With a supervisor]. Acquired by being noticed by CM.
Board Of Governers: Not very much different then PC, just has more power. Acquirabke by being notice by Super High Ranks.
Chief Of Staff: Doesn’t count as a spectator in spec box. Doesn’t have quota.
Branch Diversity Team: Has access to the game in Roblox studio, highly trusted. May only be granted if being noticed at super high standards.
Chairman Of The Board Basicly overseer of everything, manages everything. Super hard to obtain.
Stateview Leadership: Leadership of Stateview Prison.
Chief Excecutive Officer: Current most excecutive of the prison, highest in command [Jimmy is actually highest in command though].
Thank you for reading this, it took me a long time to complete. I know I may have made a lot of mistakes, so if you spot them, please tell me in the comments.
Stateview YouTuber,
Former Overseer Command,