Remove cadets in general

Let people get Level 3 before becoming an officer. Sure reporting the abusing cadets might work, but after that, they just make new accounts and keep abusing. Removing cadets and making people get 3 hours playtime to become an officer will lower the abuse by a lot.

Not really, accounts are required to be 2 weeks old in order to play stateview. This prevents people from making alt accounts right away.

It still prevents abuse in some way, as instead of making an account and just returning to it after 2 weeks, people actually have to play the game.

Who do you think abuse the most? Cadets? Or wardens? Yes it would fix a lot of things, as you cant just join the game and start abusing right away, rather you have to play for 3 hours.

3 hours gets you CO, not cadet. You can get cadet right away.

My point is, remove the cadet officer rank and make the officers go straight to CO at level 3

Yeah but most of them still abuse, and if they really wanted to learn they would look at some tutorials or something.