Sebee admin's panel and Chairperson

Is there a way to get Sebee admin’s panel that he has in his videos? If you don’t know him type in youtube: I gave Roblox Players FREE ADMIN and there should be the video. And the second question is how to get chairperson is it for a high level or another way?

sebee’s pro panel is only for sebee, unless you have a lot of money. you can get chairperson by psing an inspection as a SI, get noticed as a SI or buy from a sales associate

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Idk I want Sebee admin panel too

you either pay for it or go cry about it

anything is possible with money in Stateview

i doubt you can buy sebees admin panel as that would just ruin the game and could go very bad. like f3x is built in to the admin panel how well would that go?

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:skull_and_crossbones: u will cry new gen

HAX admin is stronger than the pro panel pretty sure.

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Watch this video

You can’t get Sebee’s panel. Only 2 people have it, the owner of the game and sebee. You also can’t buy it. The next best this is hax which is just under owner and gives immunity from AI for admin abuse to a extent. Chair person can be bought or from passing a inspection.

No seebe’s admin panel is stronger bc admin can’t even spawn a nuke

Maybe. It’s also hard to create a scale for “strength of admin permissions”.

:skull: yeah but when he said cry new gen that was funny
