Unofficial Shift Hosting Guide 2024 (With BloxCord)

This will teach you every single detail to hosting a Shift.

Unofficial Hosting Guide (Using BC)

Setting Up The Shift:

  1. :crown:Find a Supervisor. (FD+ don’t need one) If FD skip to the next one.

  2. :crossed_swords:Find a ranker. CAC+ skip to the next one.

3.:eyes: Find a good server.|
Try to find a server with a Warden, a Superintendent and a mix of other ranks.


  1. :open_book:Open BC.

  2. :point_up_2:Select a hosting slot.

  3. :fast_forward:Select your Hosting Command, then press “Create Session”

  4. :loud_sound:Tell your Supervisor (if you have on otherwise do it yourself) to announce Call 1, then after some time Call 2, and then after some even more time Call 3. (if after call 3 not enough attendees(4+ attendees needed) then you can do a bonus call)

h There is a Shift being hosted in the session room! Attend for a chance to get
 promoted and to show activity! (  /3)

5.:lock: After some time after the last call, ask your Supervisor to lock the SR.

srlock Shift Starting
  1. :crown:Host: Welcome to this shift, I am your host [Username] , and I will be hosting this today.

:page_with_curl:Co-Host: Welcome, I am your Co-host {Username} and I will be helping here today.

  1. :crown:Host:Before we start, I will state some rules to help you pass this session!


I - Do not say PTS (Permission To Speak) while I am speaking.

II - Follow all orders given to you by a SI+ unless they ask you to break the rules.

III - If there is any problem, come to me , my Co-Host , or any other SI+ for assistance.

IIII - No asking for promotions/ranks.

V - You must use grammar at all times.


  • You must patrol, and communicate with your attendees during your shift.

  • There can only be one captain assigned. (W+ for Captain)

Assigning Roles:

Host: My co-host will be assigning you all roles. Please pay attention because your role will depend upon what you will be doing for the entire shift.

Co-host assigns roles

Explaining Roles & Dismissal


Please pay attention, as I will now explain what each role does.

Patrol Team - Patrols the prison, follows the status.

Scout Team - Patrols the outside area of the prison, and guards the prison from the watch towers.

Response Team Guards around the status, answers to any panic calls, and watches over the checkpoints and control room.

Camera Operator - Works on the cameras, reporting about the prison on the radio.

Captain - Head of a group, keeping control in their group and restoring order.

Drill Instructor - Drill Instructors [DI] play a crucial role in maintaining proper drill procedures and ensuring all staff and inmates are responding correctly to an active drill.

Note : Drill instructors will have the same duties as the “Patrol Team” until the drill starts. Then they will continue with their own duties. Once drill is complete, they will go back to patrolling.

Host: During this shift we will undergo a Lockdown/Evacuation/Blackout drill. You are required to obey the procedures of the drill.

LOCKDOWN DRILL: On the commencement of a Lockdown drill, attendees are to transfer all inmates into their cells. Everyone should be within cell-block during the Lockdown.

Blackout Drill: The power within the facility will be shutdown. Guards and inmates are required to be inside of cellblock until the procedure concludes. We ask that you do not restore the power.

Evacuation Drill: On the commencement of the Evacuation Drill, ALL attendees and inmates are to relocate to the Yard-Exit Wall where they will stand. Guards are to transfer inmates out of the facility.

Host: Before I dismiss you all, here are a few expectations that we expect throughout this shift.

I - You are required to communicate, please use radio channel two to do so.

II - When communicating on the radio, use the format: [Role] (Text). Example: [Patrol] Cell Block is clear!

III - Please, remember NOT to keep doors open and NOT to use lethal force unnecessarily.

IV - You are expected to maintain decent communication, and follow instruction of the host/co-host at all times.


Supervisor/Host: h Dismissed to roles! Stay back for questions!

(Make sure to pass the ones that are showing decent communication and grammar.)

When conducting a lockdown drill, you must ensure that all staff members are on the same page as you. This means that you must maintain communication during the drill to ensure that everything happens as planned.

Required Drill Instructor(s): 0 - All though it may be smart to have one.

Host/Co-host: h There is an ongoing Lockdown Drill, all guards please transport the inmates to their cells. During this Lockdown Drill locking up inmates in their cells will not be seen as cuff abuse. The only people allowed in the CR are SI+.

Host: h All staff personnel associated with the shift, please switch over to channel two to obtain further details.

You may carry out the Control panel abuse punishment for people failing to abide by this rule.

While the attendees are carrying out the lockdown drill, make sure to note down the most active, good communication and the ones who capture the inmates.

You will now announce that no-one can change the Status or lockdown, example below. (Only Host and Co-Host can change the Status and turn on/off lockdown)
More attendees are allowed to join halfway, through the shift.
Host/Co-Host: “h Please do not change the Status or mess around with lockdown due to an ongoing session, failure to do so will result in a punishment.”

Blackout Drill - Optional
When conducting a blackout drill, please ensure everyone understands what to do before the procedure. Members will not have access to the radio.

Required Drill Instructor(s): 1

Within this drill, the host/co-host is to shut down the power of the facility. We ask that you wait an additional two minutes, then the host/co-host may restore the power.

Note: It is recommended that the co-host(s) stand beside the door with the power-box, to ensure it does not get touched during the drill.

Host/Co-host: h There is an active blackout. Please relocate all inmates to cell-block. Guards and staff are to be positioned in cellblock. No one is to be in the hallways.

You may carry out the Control panel abuse punishment for people failing to abide by this rule.

While the attendees are carrying out the blackout drill, make sure to note down the most active, good communication and the ones who capture the inmates. After you are done call back your attendees and helpers to the session room.

h The situation has been resolved. Facility operations have been resumed.

Evacuation Drill - Optional
When conducting an evacuation drill, you must ensure that all staff members are on the same page as you. This means that you must maintain communication during the drill to ensure that everything happens as planned.

Required Drill Instructor(s): 2

The Host/Supervisor must announce that there will be an evacuation planned before dismissing attendees. Before planning an evacuation, please ensure you have more than 6+ attendees & 4+ inmates and or approval/supervision from Board of Governors+ or Overseer Command members.

Before starting the session, you must have two drill instructors selected as stated in previous sections. A drill instructor shall stand guard at evacuation exits directing staff personnel to the nearest exit. These officers must be selected when assigning roles/posts. When the evacuation has concluded, the drill instructors may patrol the prison.

Note: There is no limit to how many evacuations may be hosted per-week.

This is a session-wide activity. Meaning everyone must comply with this evacuation, and all inmate personnel must be transferred out of the prison. Criminals may attempt to free inmates and take control of the prison. To reduce criminals from taking control, please ensure there are guards protecting the inmates during the evacuation.

Evacuation Exits
Yard-Watch-Tower-Exit: Inmate personnel shall be transferred out of the watch-tower door and brought behind the yard-wall of the facility.

Announce three times.
Host: h There is an active evacuation. Please transfer all inmates out of the prison, to the yard-exit. Please ensure to follow proper protocol.

You may carry out the Control panel abuse punishment for people failing to abide by this rule.

While the attendees are carrying out the evacuation drill, make sure to note down the most active, good communication and the ones who capture the inmates. After you are done call back your attendees and helpers to the session room.

You will now announce that no one can change the Status.
More attendees are allowed to join halfway, through the shift.
Host/Co-Host: “h Please do not change the Status."

Once everyone has evacuated the building, you will then resume facility operations.

Host/Co-host: “h The situation has been resolved. Facility operations have been resumed”

Once completed, call all attendees back to the session-room for further instruction.
h All attendees associated with the on-going session. Please report to the session-room.

Finishing the shift

The “call back” phase on bloxcord is to be started once the first call is made. You shall check mark each attendee for that phase that comes back to the sessions room. End this phase once attendees are back and you lock the sessions room.

Host/Supervisor: h Can every attendee from the current shift report back to the session-room.

Host: Welcome back! Before I announce the hardest workers, we will take a picture! ( Please stay STS while we do this or wedge on me.)
Takes Picture

Host: Says passers: Ex. JOKLR1234! (CD/ DW-W, etc)

Host: Thank you for attending my shift! I would like to say it was amazing being your host today!

Co-Host: Also from me, thank you for attending! Dismissed!!!

  • After your shift please do log it.
  • In a shift CAO - DW can be promoted. Wardens cannot.

Wdym by “find a ranker?”


This text will be hidden

Finding a CAC+ to rank your shift.

tbh, hosting without bc is easier

Maybe for you, but it’s more of an inconvenience for some people if ykyk

Random CM Kid