What the departments?

What are the departments in game/in discord
What thier job
How to get them?
I’m always see average CP has IA role

Please help.

Hello @Mr.Peanut_cooking.

These are all current departments:

  • LOA: Deals with staff who wants to be excused from their quota.
  • CM: Proposes rule changes, session changes etc.
  • Events: Does various events in different games.
  • Appeals: Deals with appeals and reports in the intel server.
  • GA: Responds to modcalls ingame.
  • IA: Deals with corrupt staff.

The Discord Moderation isn’t considered a department but they deal with any rule breaking inside the Discord server.


Forum Support

1 Like

How about Intelligence Agency?
And etc…

Hello @Mr.Peanut_cooking.

To clear up any confusion, IA is the short version for Intelligence Agency. LOA stands for Leave of Absence, CM for Community Management and GA for Game Administrators.
Hope this helps.


Forum Support

What is forum support? Gimmiemorechars

Hello @Dark1.

Forum Support is a subdivision of Community Management.


Forum Support

What are their job?what their purpose?

Their job is to make Stateview better in all good types of the way and also to make sure it runs smoother and easier.