When i Join Inmates team and die my M4A1 Bought Gamepass just disappears from my inventory

I bought the M4A1 Today and every time I die as an Inmate my gun doesn’t get back in my inventory idk why it just disappears until I re-join.
It also has happened multiple times.

it is meant to… it stops mass killings

It doesn’t say that in the Game pass Description

JUST SAYING - Rejoining using any function (!rejoin or leaving and rejoining) mutiple times to bypass this feature, and to create mass killing, especially if you were frisked/killed is ILLEGAL AND CAN LAND YOU IN TROUBLE.

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Omg it’s Illegal :scream::scream::scream::scream: we are going to send the FBI hostage rescue team, SEAL Team 6, U.S Marshall Service, DHS Federal Protective Service, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Green Berets, Delta force to find :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:


Stop yap pls


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Incorrect. You are free to rejoin and massacre all you want.

Nup got someone banned for it

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It ain’t against the rules to do that

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That’s either corruption or lack of intelligence by the admin, in general you will not be in trouble.

Could also be tgat this happened before the rule was removed.

Idc if you get banned or not just tell me why im not getting it back

They added the remove feature to prevent abuse and mass killing

I think it will be less confusing if you don’t call it abuse when people repeatedly shoot people.