During trainings, when you volunteer for help, you’re asked if you know how to use bloxcord. How do you use it as helpers? (I couldn’t find a guide)
You just go to bloxcord.net and find the training under sessions. The host will grant you access to the session. During the phase that you do (that should normally be scenarios as it requires 2 people), note down the passers of the phase and in the end, go to BC and tick the boxes under scenarios for all the attendees who have passed the section.
I never actually did this, but it should be straightforward.
You are required to use BloxCord. Once the training has been started, you will have access to the session.
You can monitor the session by logging into BloxCord and heading into sessions. You will see your host’s training and will have the ability to “Manage” the session.
You should not interact with anything.
Once the Scenarios start, you may press the checkbox next to an attendee under the phase “Scenarios” if the attendee has passed.
If the attendee has passed, make sure to mark them on BloxCord with a checkmark under “Scenarios”.
additionally you can view the BloxCord Session Guide