Stateview Combat Training Guide concept (belongs to modified trainings)

Please note that this guide is only a concept. Use it if you can and want to, and don’t hesitate to modify it however you want!


  • Find a Co-Host (Maximum is 2, must be Chairperson+).
  • Find Helpers (Maximum is 2, must be Warden+ and verified in both main and admin servers).
  • Ensure you have at least 8 attendees to begin.
  • Be aware that failed trainings will not count towards quota.
  • Claim a hosting spot through Bloxcord and follow the provided instructions. (More information on how to use the Bloxcord session interface here ).


  • Maintain professionalism at all times.
  • Use proper grammar at all times.
  • Show respect to all trainees.
  • Keep a consistent and reasonable pace.
  • Remove any rule breakers from the training session promptly to maintain order and focus.
  • Only Elevated High-Rank Officer(s) ranked Community Advisory Council+ may host modified sessions like this one.


Host: Hello. Welcome to today’s combat training! My name is [Name], and I’ll be your host.

Co-Host: Hey! I’m [Name] your co-host, and I’ll be assisting in today’s combat training.

The Host or Co-Host may select their own greeting/introduction, as long as it is appropriate.

Host: Before we begin, let’s go over a few rules to help you pass this combat training!


I - You must call me and my Co-Host by our ranks at all times.

II - Do not go AFK (Away From Keyboard) or say PTS (Permission To Speak) while I am speaking, during this training. Doing this will result in removal.

III - You must be respectful to everyone at all times. Not following this will result in a removal from the training and a demotion/suspension.

IV - If there is any problem, come to me, my Co-Host or any other SI+ assistance. You must not ask us for a promotion/rank or it will result in instant removal.

V - Trolling in any form is unacceptable! Grammar must be used throughout this training. Trolling or not using grammar will result in a strike or instant removal from this training.

VI – PTS is active unless stated otherwise. Talking without permission WILL result in a strike.

Host: This combat training will consist of four following sections: Faces, Accuracy, Duels and Team Deathmatch.


This section focuses on practicing and perfecting the basic “faces” commands to ensure trainees are attentive and responsive. It tests reaction time and listening skills, which are crucial for maintaining order and discipline. By mastering these commands, trainees demonstrate their readiness for more advanced tasks.

Host/Co-Host: To start off the session, we’ll be doing faces.

Host/Co-Host: In this phase, we will be testing your reaction time and listening skills!

Host/Co-Host: Please listen carefully as I will only explain each face once. DO NOT actually do the faces at this point.


  • Left Face - Turn left 90 degrees from the current position.

  • Right Face - Turn right 90 degrees from the current position.

  • Center Face - Turn to normal position. (Position from the beginning or face the Host/Co-Host)

  • About Face - Turn 180 degrees from the current position.

  • Left Incline - Turn 45 degrees to the left from the current position.

  • Right Incline - Turn 45 degrees to the right from the current position.

  • Triple Left Incline - Do the Left Incline 3 times.

  • Triple Right Incline - Do the Right Incline 3 times.

  • Control Face - Face the Host/Co-Host at all times. (Host/Co-Host should be in the middle of your screen at all times)

Host/Co-Host: Please note: Only the center face breaks control face, any other face will not.


The elimination round is when you will “sit” or “disqualify” an attendee from faces after making a mistake. Please note, that this does not mean they are disqualified from the session. This activity is completely optional, and not a required step within the session.

Upon completion of session faces, move on to the next section.


In this section, the Host/Co-Host will assess attendees’ precision and aiming skills. Each attendee will take turns testing their shooting accuracy to ensure they meet the required standards.


  1. Prepare the Room: Make a straight line in the session room along the blue instructional line(s).
  2. Accuracy Testing Room: Call each attendee individually into the accuracy testing room and proceed with instructions.
  3. Shooting Statistics: Attendees must hit a minimum of 15 targets to pass this section. You can check their shooting statistics on the accuracy status In-Game.
  4. Relocate Attendees: After completing the accuracy test, move the attendees back to the session room and position them on the blue-instructional line(s).
  5. Time Management: This section can take the longest, so expedite checking staff cooldowns to maintain efficiency.

Host/Co-Host Instructions:

Host/Co-Host: We are now moving onto the accuracy phase. In this section, we will evaluate your precision, aiming skills, listening abilities, and overall accuracy.

Host/Co-Host: Your task here is simple, you will be relocated one-by-one into our accuracy testing room.

Host/Co-Host: From there, you will stand on the red-instructional line and wait for the instruction to shoot the targets.

Host/Co-Host: Now please form a SFL behind me next to the Accuracy testing room. And remember not to push others, or else you will be taken to the back of the line and receive a strike.

If anyone pushes others in the SFL (Single File Line), put them to the back of the line and give them a strike.

  1. Call Attendee: “(Username), please follow me into the accuracy room.”

  2. Instruct Attendee: Once in the accuracy room, have the attendee stand on the red-instructional line.

  3. Give Shooting Instructions:

    • Knock your weapon!
    • Ready!
    • Aim!
    • Fire!
  4. Check Results: Ensure the attendee hits at least 15 targets to pass the section.

  5. Relocate: After completing the test, guide the attendee back to the session room and position them on the blue-instructional line(s).

Upon completion of session shooting and accuracy, move onto the next section.


For the next two sections, you will split all attendees into two teams.

Host: For the next two sections, my Co-Host will split you into two teams: Team A and Team B.

Host: Once you get assigned to the team, you will go to the left lime instructional line of the room, if you are in Team A, and to the right lime instructional line of the room, if you are in Team B.

Now your Co-Host will split all attendees into two even teams. Once all teams are prepared, you will team all members of Team B to the Inmate team and give them a Glock 17 as their weapon, if they don’t have one. Afterwards, move onto the Duels section.


In this section, the Host/Co-Host will assess attendees’ shooting and combat skills. Each attendee will fight with their partner from the opposite team. The attendee who wins, will be more likely to pass the training.

For the duels arena, you can choose one of the following:

  • Accuracy testing room
  • Maximum Security Yard

Host/Co-Host: Now we are heading into the Duels phase! In this phase, we will be testing on your shooting and combat skills!

Host/Co-Host: In this section, there will be 2 people fighting against each other, and whoever wins will be more likely to pass this training. I will start calling you up in a while.

  1. Call Attendee: “(Username), please follow me.”

  2. Instruct Attendees: Once in the Duel arena, relocate both attendees to the opposite halves of the Duel Arena.

  3. Give Instructions:

    • Knock your weapons!
    • Ready…
    • Set…
    • Fight!
  4. Check Results: Mark the winning attendee and revive the defeated one.

  5. Relocate: After completing the duel, guide the attendees back to the session room and position them on their respective lime-instructional line(s). (Team A members to the left, Team B members to the right.)

Upon completing the duels, head to the final section.


In this section, all attendees will try to defeat the opposite team while cooperating with their teammates. When taken down, the attendee is eliminated from the section, and others cannot revive them. The team that eliminates the opposite team first wins this section and will be more likely to pass this training.

Host: We have finally arrived to the last section of today’s Combat Training: The Team Deathmatch! In this section, we will be testing you on your cooperation skills with your team, alongside with your combat skills!

Host/Co-Host: Now, before we proceed, let me explain the rules of the Team Deathmatch to help you pass it.


  1. DO NOT revive downed teammates. Downed players are eliminated from this section and cannot continue the fight.
  2. DO NOT respawn once eliminated.
  3. DO NOT fully kill eliminated players.
  4. The tool permitted for this section is Glock 17. The use of any other tools will result in disqualification from this section.

Host/Co-Host: Now please follow me to the Maximum Security Yard, where the Deathmatch will take place.

Now take all attendees to the Maximum Security Yard. The Host will guide the Team A, and the Co-Host will guide the Team B.

  1. Setup the Deathmatch: Guide two teams to the opposite halves of the Maximum Security Yard.

  2. Give Instructions:

    • Knock your weapons!
    • Ready…
    • Set…
    • Fight!
  3. Check Results: Mark all members of the winning team and revive the defeated ones.

  4. Relocate: After completing the deathmatch, team all attendees on the Inmate team to the Correctional Staff team, then guide them back to the session room and position them on the blue-instructional line(s).


  1. Line Up Trainees: Once all phases are complete, line up all trainees along the blue instructional line closest to the window(s) in the session room.
  2. Mark Attendance: Tick “passed” on Bloxcord for attendees who have successfully completed at least 3 phases of the training.
  3. Promote: Confirm the passers and proceed to the “ranking” section to promote those who are off cooldown.
  4. Grade Each Other: The hosting team should then move to the “grading” section and grade each other’s performance.
  5. Logging: Use the correct format for logging channels located in our administration server .

Host: We have completed all phases of the combat training! I will announce the passers shortly. During this time, PTS is inactive, so you may chat among yourselves.

Upon completion of determining the passers of the session, feel free to take a picture of all attendees, and then announce each passer individually.

Host: If you have been promoted from this combat training, your cooldown will range from 3 days to 1 week. Please check with us if you’re unsure about your cooldown period!

Host: This concludes our combat training! It has been an honor and a pleasure to be your host today.

Co-Host: I also want to express how wonderful it was to be your co-host today! You all did an excellent job! All dismissed!

[“h The combat training is now over! Passers, please say !rejoin to view your new ranks! All dismissed from the session room!”]

Author(s): @marceligaminghd

It seems you’ve posted some sort of training or shift guide. This is a reminder that this thread is unofficial and no staff should be following this sort of guide. All official guides are located in Staff Information.

Thank you system :smiley:

1 Like

Yeah… LOL.


Overall, this seems hard to apply in a training due to TDM causing some chaos and the time required for teaming half of the attendees. You’d also need to ensure everyone has a weapon.

Thanks for pointing my spelling mistake, I have corrected it.

This was the old combat training guide back in 2021

physical training

Well, it’s good to know that these old guides existed back in 2021.

there was a time where they switched to combat trainings and physical trainings, after that they switched back to normal trainings

Just a little reminder, I would recommend adding the fact that teamkill is disabled and the duels will not function properly without this. I suggest one user is on the correctional staff team and the other is an inmate.

Well, I have already mention this.

Look, its 6 AM for me. U expect my vrain to be brainyer?

Sorry bud, I didn’t mean to insult you.


Theres already a combat training, its called the Smoke Session, but its never hosted since its Chief of Staff+, so thats why its never hosted, or some other odd reason.