Stateview Messages command ([h]hint,[m] messages) (UNOFFICIAL)

Stateview In-Game Announcements

Stateview Reminder Examples

I. - h Please ensure to close all doors within the facility, to ensure inmates do not escape or leave authorized areas.

II. - h Please ensure to follow the status, and escort the inmates to [Status Location].

III. - h Inmates, we ask that you do not cross the red do-not-cross line. Failure to comply will result in you being re-located to solitary confinement.

IV. - [Staff] Please do not abuse tools, failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

V. - h [Staff] Please do not camp the city, and or criminal spawns.

VI. - h Please leave the session-room at this time. There is no active session occurring.

VII. - h [Staff] Do not force inmates into cells, they may roam around cell-block. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

VIII. - h [Inmates/Criminals] Please do not raid/disturb the session room in any way, failure to comply will result in a punishment.

Session Announcement Examples

I. - h There's a Shift being hosted in the session room, come and attend to show activity and possibly receive a promotion!

II. - h A training is being hosted in the Sessions room. Come attend for a chance to be promoted!

III. - h [SHIFT] If you were in the shift, please use the format: [Role] message; when speaking on the “radio”.

IV. - h All staff associated with the shift, please switch over to channel two for further details.

V. - h Can everyone from the shift please report back to the session room.

VI. - h [Inmates/Criminals] Please do not raid/disturb the session room in any way, failure to comply will result in a punishment.

VII. - h The session has been canceled. Please relocate to {Status Location] & patrol the facility.

Drill Announcement Examples

I. - h There is an ongoing Lockdown Drill. All guards, please transport the inmates to their cells. During this Lockdown Drill, locking inmates in their cells will not be considered cuff abuse. The only personnel allowed in the Control Room (CR) are SI+.

II. - h There is an active Blackout. Please relocate all inmates to the cell-block. Guards and staff are to remain in the cell-block. No one should be in the hallways.

III. - h There is an active evacuation. Please transfer all inmates out of the prison to the yard-exit. Follow proper protocol.

IV. - h Please do not alter the Status or tamper with the Lockdown settings during the session. Unauthorized changes will result in a punishment.

V. - h The situation has been resolved. Facility operations have been resumed.

Credit 1
Credit 2
Credit 3



This helps.