List of ALL Stateview Departments and how to get into them! [2023/2024]

List of all SV departments, purposes and applications.

Community Newsletter Team
The community newsletter team are a team of experts who deliver stateviews monthly newsletter, although their last one was in september, you can find it here: Stateview September Newsletter

  • The community newsletter team has released applications 2 times since its a new department.
  • No recorded handpicks (Public).

Events Team
The events department is a team trained in making stateviews fun events, such as hide and seek ect… You can find a list of upcoming events [2023] here: December Community Festival - 2023

  • Applications come out often
  • Handpicks happen often

Overseer Command
The overseer command are a department dedicated to commanding the prison, making sure it functions. These users can also activate a evacuation.

  • 1x application ever released
  • Handpicked into.

LOA Officer
Support Agency
Intelligence Agency
Discord Moderation
Sales Association
The sales association are the people that make the big deals, the bargains, they sell ranks, rank information can be found here when buying from them: Stateview Payments - Terms and Conditions

  • Applications have come out a few times.
  • No publicly shown handpicks have been made.

Game Administration
Justice Department
The justice department is a very secretive department, they make sure all punishments are justified, and are basically the overseers of Intelligence agency. There is not much information on this department.

  • Applications released once.
  • No public handpicks.

Community Management

This will be editied when finished.


justice dept was disbanded homie (pretty sure)

More characters.
Even more characters.

You forgot 90% of the departments :skull:

Its not like it says “Message will be edited when done”…

Sales Associate doesn’t exist anymore

Stop posting guides if you don’t know how the game works all the way.


Crazy, why have I got sales associates such as mars_corporation dm’ing me about buying stuff when I ask? And them also saying “Yes, Im a sales associate”…

How can I be handpicked? I want to get OC, but since there’s no application, i think handpicking is the best way.

Buy it.


I asked another thing.
